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Nj court rule 1 40 Form: What You Should Know

The purpose of this rule is to create an independent public court.   By establishing a dedicated court system and a process for civil, family and general equity cases, the court can more quickly and efficiently provide a fair and just settlement to those who are denied the basic rights of due process. The program provides a process whereby civil mediation scan, at a minimum, be created that meet standards for fairness. RULE 1:40-1. PURPOSE A. The Legislature has the primary responsibility for establishing a system of judicial representation for persons who are the parties in a dispute.   B. The Legislature establishes these courts to perform the functions, roles and tasks of court system. RULE 1:40-4 — CONFIDENTIALITY IN THE COURTS OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY The following shall be made a part of a summons or complaint to or in connection with a civil action, court, hearing, or proceeding under this rule, any party or any witness in connection with court services, and a report, record, or communication made by any attorney for the parties or witnesses, or any guardian ad item, and other information submitted by any witness, and the parties or officers or employees of the judiciary. C. A person is entitled to the confidentiality of all information, documents or reports pertaining to litigation, including documents and reports created in connection with court system process in which the parties are parties or are involved with witnesses, witnesses' testimony, or information obtained in connection with litigation. If in any action a person has a reasonable expectation of confidentiality concerning a document or report created as the result of the process of the court, the confidentiality must be preserved at all times. Rule 1:40-10 — GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS A. The courts of the state of New Jersey have not decided which of the procedural rules must be followed when seeking the attendance or compliance of a person or entity pursuant to any court proceedings. The procedures for obtaining a person's or entity's compliance or attendance are not set out in new rules.   B. The fact that the procedures for obtaining someone's or entity's compliance or attendance are different from their current practices or the rules of any court is not grounds for a party claiming the person or entity should have attended or complied. C.

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