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Nj courts jobs Form: What You Should Know

Job Opportunities — New Jersey — Courts — Department of Corrections and Community Supervision To Post Your Job Announcements on the NJ Courts | Employment Web Page — Department of Corrections and Community Supervision Visit the official NJ Courts Employment System pages to post the job opportunities available. If you need to contact the New Hampshire Division of Corrections, please visit us courts.gov and search for “New Hampshire Department of Corrections,” or  New Jersey Courts Jobs Web Page — NJ Courts The job opportunities available on the New Jersey Courts Web Page. For more information about the NJ Courts, please complete our “Where do you work?” survey.

online solutions help you to manage your record administration along with raise the efficiency of the workflows. Stick to the fast guide to do NJ CN: 10482, steer clear of blunders along with furnish it in a timely manner:

How to complete any NJ CN: 10482 online:

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Nj courts jobs

Instructions and Help about Nj courts jobs

Hi, I'm Steve Richardson. If you have a job in the public sector here in New Jersey and you are charged with certain criminal offenses, whether it be a felony or misdemeanor, whether it's indictable at the county level or handled in our municipal courts here in New Jersey, you could face the loss of your job. It's called forfeiture, and what that means is if you're convicted, you could lose your job. Well, how do you know whether you face that? Well, a couple of things. First of all, does the charge involve dishonesty? Are you being charged with shoplifting, check kiting, or anything where perjury or dishonesty is involved? If that's the case, then yes, you can lose your job. Now, you lose your job, but you will not lose the opportunity to have public employment ever again. You might lose this public job, but you might be able to get a job within the public sector in the future. However, if that charge connects or touches upon your public employment in some way and you're convicted of it, you will not only lose your current job, but you'll be barred from any public employment. So naturally, this is something you have to be very careful about and something that can be avoided. There are steps that you can take to prevent that from happening, but you need to know, first, whether you face that. So if you've been charged with something like this here in southern New Jersey, you need to talk to an attorney. Better yet, retain an attorney before you plead guilty or go to trial on those charges. So if you're facing those charges here in southern New Jersey and you're worried about the forfeiture of your job, please feel free to give my office a call....