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Nj courts closings Form: What You Should Know

New Jersey Judiciary Court Forms Search Database Search all New Jersey Forms, including all New Jersey Forms for the past year and the New Jersey Courts Official Website of the New in Jersey Judicial System. This site is a great resource for both New Jersey judges and their staff and has all the forms  New Jersey Courts Forms Search Database Legal Holidays and Court Recesses for 2 Law Division of the Superior Court.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Nj courts closings

Instructions and Help about Nj courts closings

The following lecture will discuss the structure of the state court system in the state of New Jersey. Thanks to a concept known as federalism, the country's courts are divided into two halves or sides - the federal side and the other side. Each of the 50 states has their own state court system, which is illustrated in the Myers text on page 50. In New Jersey, if one were to view the structure of the court system as a ladder or hierarchy of courts, the court with the least amount of jurisdiction is the municipal court. The municipal court is for that particular municipality, such as a city, town, borough, or village. It is presided over by a municipal judge and has a municipal prosecutor and public defender. The Municipal Court hears motor vehicle infractions like speeding or DWI offenses that occur within the municipality. It also hears ordinance violations, which are violations of laws passed by the municipality. These can involve littering, property maintenance, or other similar issues. The municipal court also hears certain criminal matters, specifically disorderly persons offenses and petty disorderly persons offenses. Disorderly persons offenses are punishable by up to six months in the county jail, while petty disorderly persons offenses are punishable by up to 30 days in the county jail. Indictable crimes or second, third, or fourth degree crimes are heard in the next level of courts - the Superior Court. An example of a petty disorderly persons offense is harassment, while an example of a disorderly persons offense is simple assault. Other disorderly persons offenses can involve minor drug or theft offenses. Now, let's discuss the Superior Court. The Superior Court is where the majority of litigation occurs within the state of New Jersey. Each of the state's 21 counties has its...