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Nj courts Form: What You Should Know

General Information on New Jersey Legal Assistance Legal Services of New Jersey (LSJ) LSJ is a not-for-profit, nonprofit agency that provides free individual and group legal services in New Jersey to those in need. The legal services offer help in many areas of law, including personal injury, civil rights, and housing/housing discrimination law, family law, and immigration laws. In addition, legal assistance may be offered for many other legal issues including landlord & tenant eviction, public benefits, bankruptcy, and juvenile justice. The New Jersey Lawyer Referral Service The New Jersey Lawyer Referral Service (LRS), located in Newark, offers free legal referrals to lawyers who are not members of LSJ. Applicants with no financial need receive 5 for each person assisted; there is no minimum fee or commitment to help. Lawyers who are members of LSJ, receive 10 times that amount. The service is open to all and fee payment is accepted at the time of referral. Contact the LRS at or find your local LRS office. LMS Legal Aid Services LMS Legal Aid Services provides free legal advice, representation, and advocacy to low to moderate income New Jersey residents. LMS provides this service in three ways—in person, by telephone, and online—depending on a person's ability to access these services. LMS also provides emergency legal aid in an emergency situation. In addition, the LMS Lawyer Referral Service provides legal referral by registered attorneys to lawyers who are not members of the LSJ. LMS provides free advice, help and advocacy for people to help them file in their courts, resolve their legal problems, and obtain justice. To request a free appointment, call LMS from anywhere in the state. Telephone:. Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. New Jersey Legal Assistance Program The New Jersey Legal Assistance Program was established in 1975 to provide free public legal assistance to citizens in the state who may be without a lawyer who can assist with legal matters regarding: property; divorce; custody of children; juvenile justice; workers' compensation; landlord/tenant; housing/housing discrimination; and child support. All services are provided free and without charge. New Jersey Legal Assistance Program is a State agency. Free Legal Clinic (New Jersey) The Free Legal Clinic, Inc.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Nj courts

Instructions and Help about Nj courts

Music, if you didn't pick up this document, please pick it up at the end. This is your most important document, the rollout schedule. As you can see, civil courts have already begun in Mercer and Middlesex, Morris and Sussex. There will be a break in June for feedback and possible changes. After that, the rollout will continue every two weeks in a different county. Our vicinage is at the very end, but let me explain the rollout process to you. As the counties roll out and law firms and attorneys start using E courts, you will still have the option to file in hardcopy for a period of 60 days after a county has been in production. After the 60 days, it is expected that filing electronically will be mandatory, although the final decision will come from the bar. Keep in mind that different counties may have different schedules, so it's important to monitor the updates. I want to mention that if your firm decides to continue filing in hardcopy while the county is in production, the divisions are required to scan and upload your documents into the electronic system. So, it would be a big help if you could save time for the staff by not stapling or binding the documents tightly. It takes a lot of effort to break apart the pages and remove the staples and exhibits. Rubber bands and staples are still acceptable, but please avoid using methods that make it difficult to scan the documents. Courtesy copies will likely still be required, but we no longer need the originals since they need to be broken down for scanning purposes. I hope this information is helpful. As always, please follow the instructions and updates from the bar regarding the filing process.